A detailed description of the major pests that affect the avocado fruit
Avocado | Major Pests
False Codling Moth
Scientific Name:Thaumatotibia leucotreta
Identification and Damage
• FCM adult are small in size, 7-9mm in length and a wing span of 15 to 16mm for males and 19 to 20mm for females. • The moths are nocturnal (fly at night). • The colour varies from brown, grey, black with brown-orange markings. • The adult lay eggs on the fruits surface which hatch, penetrate and develop with the avocado. This creates tunnels on the fruit and larvae leaves frass (Faecal material) at the exit point. The fruits become unmarketable. • Fifth instar (Final instar) exists the fruit and pupate on the ground in the top layers of the soil.
FMC pheromone traps
Maintaining a clean orchard by discarding the infested fruits properly, preferably 50cm below the ground
Scientific Name:Scirtothrips perseae
Identification and Damage
• Adult thrips are small in size, up to 3mm long, black or dark-brown in colour with fringed wings. • Nymphs are yellow in colour with dark piercing and sucking mouthparts that extend up to 3mm in length. • The nymph body is cylindrical with rounded ends. • Thrips feed by piercing and sucking of plant sap mostly on the young fruits. • They leave silver/bronze marking on the leaves after feeding. • Under heavy infestation; the plant turns withers and dry. • The affected fruits develop a rough brown skin.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Katrin: 10-15ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Scientific Name:Hemiberlesia lataniae
Identification and Damage
• Scales are in two groups: Armoured scales; Hard to control due to the protective shell around the body and does not secrete honey dew, and Soft scales; Secrete honeydew and easy to control. • Scales are small in size, 3mm in length, always glued to the plant as they feed by sucking the plant sap. • They are round in shape and colour varies from white, orange, brown, green to black according to different species. • On the tree, they can be found on fruits, leaves, branches and on the stems. • Through their feeding of plant sap by piercing and sucking, they deprive the plant essential nutrients, leading to chlorosis of the leaves, wilting and falling off. The plant eventually become stunted, with low and poor quality yields. • Under heavy infestation, they secrete honey dew that promotes sooty mould growth on the surface of the plant. This interferes with photosynthesis.
Twiga Ace 10ml in 20L of water with an adjuvant Agral90 - 10ml.
Scientific Name:Bactrocera invades
Identification and Damage
• Adult Mango fruit-flies small in size, 4-7mm in length. • They have blight colours with brown to yellow markings, wings have spots with brown margins and a conspicuous T-shaped mark at the back of the abdomen. • They lay eggs on fruit surface leading to premature fruit fall. • Larvae are white in colour and feed on the fresh of the fruit leading to fruit rot. • The maggot exits the fruit and fall to the ground to pupate in the soil at a depth of about 5cm. • Pupae are 4-12mm in length, the colour may vary from white, brown to black.
Fruit fly trap/fruit fly lure.
Mealy Bug
Scientific Name:Phenacoccus ssp.
Identification and Damage
• Mealybugs are soft bodied, 2-3mm long and covered with white wax or cottony-look on the surface of the mango leaves, fruits and stem. • They feed on plant sap and excrete honey dew that promote growth of sooty mould on the surface of the plant. • Sooty mould interferes with the rate of photosynthesis lowering the yield and quality of avocados.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Scientific Name:Oligonychus spp.
Identification and Damage
• Red spider mites are small, reddish to pale-orange in colour. • Eggs are whitish in colour, spherical in shape and are laid on the underside of the leaves singly. • Eggs hatch into six legged nymphs, which are pink in colour. • They live on the underside of the leaves where they spin protective web. • The destructive stage feed by piercing and sucking plant sap. • Under heavy infestation, the leaves desiccate and fall off.
• Coconut bugs are brown in colour with a length of 10-15mm. • The nymph stage is red brown to green brown colour with long antenna. • The adult and nymph stage feed on avocado fruit which results to a necrotic bruise on the fruit. • Stink bugs have a characteristic unpleasant smell, shield like in shape and the size varies, from 6-15mm. • They feed on fruits at developing stage resulting to spots and fruit deformation.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water with an adjuvant Agral-90 10ml.
French Beans
A detailed description of the major pests that affect French Beans
French Beans | Major Pests
Western flower thrips
Scientific Name:Frankliniella occidentalis
Identification and Damage
• Adult thrips are small in size, up to 3mm long, shiny black, brown, orange in colour with clear wings. • The larvae are cream or brown in colour with dark piercing and sucking mouthparts that extend up to 3mm in length. • Pupae stage are small in size, brown in colour and cylindrical shaped body with rounded ends. • Thrips feeds by piercing and sucking of plant sap. • Through their feeding, they leave scars and blemishes on the leaves/pods. • Under heavy infestation; the plant becomes stunted, flowers abort, leaves/apical shoot and pods develop deformities. Pods becomes unmarketable.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Katrin: 10-15ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Beauvitech: 250g/Ha in 500L of water
NB:Attracker 1-2ml per liter of spray- a sugar solution (fructose, glucose, saccharose) which act as a lure for the thrips.
Spider mites
Scientific Name:Tetranychus urticae
Identification and Damage
• Adult red spider mites are tiny, reddish to pale-orange in colour. • Eggs are whitish in colour, spherical in shape and are laid on the underside of the leaves singly. • Eggs hatch into six legged nymphs, which are pink in colour. • They live on the underside of the leaves where they spin protective web. • The destructive stage feed by piercing and sucking plant sap which causes silvery to brownish marks on the leaves. • They form cobwebs on the surface of the leaves. • Under heavy infestation, the plant wilt and die off.
Twigamectin: 10ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Scientific Name:Bemisia tabaci
Identification and Damage
• Whiteflies are small insect pest, 1- 3mm in length. • At rest mode, the wings form a V-shape around the body. • Nymphs are whitish in colour, oval in shape and scale-like body cover. • White powdery cloud around the plant under heavy infestation. • Whiteflies feed by piercing and sucking plant sap. • Under heavy infestation, crop become stunted. • Whiteflies promote growth of sooty mould on the leaf surface from the honeydew excretes.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Katrin: 10-15ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Lecatech: 250g/Ha in 500L of water
Black bean Aphids
Scientific Name:FAphis fabae and Aphis craccicora
Identification and Damage
• They are small (1.5-3.0mm), soft bodied and six legged insect. • Aphids are dark brown in colour and can be winged or wingless. • Aphids feeds by piercing and sucking plant sap. • Under heavy infestation, they cause the leaves to have wrinkles, plant becomes stunted and deformed. • Heavy attack can cause decreased flowering and pod formation • They promote growth of sooty mould from the honeydew excretes. • Aphids vector/transmit viral diseases such as; Bean Common Mosaic Virus.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Katrin: 10-15ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Lecatech: 250g/Ha in 500L of water
Scientific Name:Ophiomyia phaseoli
Identification and Damage
• Adult beanfly is a small, shiny, metallic blue to black in colour, 2mm in length and clear wings. • Larvae are white-yellow in colour and about 3mm in length. • Pupae are small, 2-3mm in length and cylindrical in shape with rounded ends. • Infested beans become pale yellow on the leaf surface, stunted growth and the stem are cracked at the base of the plant. This is due to ovipositioning and feeding by the adult. • Leaf drop under heavy infestation. • Mines develops as the larvae emerges from the leaf. • Swelling at the base of the beans as larvae move to the lower stem. • Under heavy infestation, the plant collapses, wilt and die off.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Duduthrin: 50ml in 20L of water
Identification and Damage
• Fully grown larvae measure 1-1.75 inches in length, can be either black or variegated cutworms. • When disturbed, they coil into C-shaped position. • They cut young plants at the base or near the soil level. • It can go up the crop to feed on the foliage, forming ragged punctures on the leaves.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Duduthrin: 50ml in 20L of water
A detailed description of the major pests that affect Maize
Maize | Major Pests
Fall Army Worms (FAW)
Scientific Name:Spodoptera frugiperda
Identification and Damage
• The fall armyworm caterpillars are green, brown or black in colour depending on development stage. • A mature caterpillar has a distinct white line between the eyes, which form an inverted “Y” pattern on the face. • There are pronounced four black spots aligned in a square on the top of the 8th segment near the back end of the caterpillar. • Broad, pale band along top of body, contrasted by dark stripping at the sides. • Most conspicuous damage puncture holes on the leaves and the funnel. • Edges that are ragged after larvae feeding. • Frass (Larvae faecal material) on the funnel and leave surface. • Death under heavy infestation on young plant (dead heart).
Sussita: 15ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Maize stalk Borer
Scientific Name:Busseola fusca
Identification and Damage
• Holes and puncture windows on the leaves of young plants. • Small pink or dark in colour caterpillars on the funnel. • Dead-heart under severe attack. • Frass (Larvae faecal material) on the stem and the funnel. • Exit holes on the stem with frass at the entry point from the older caterpillars feeding activities. • Weak stem and breakages from mining of the caterpillars.
Duduthrin: 65ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
A detailed description of the major pests that affect mangoes
• Adult thrips are small in size, up to 3mm long, shiny black, brown, orange in colour with clear wings. • Nymphs are cream or brown in colour with dark piercing and sucking mouthparts that extend up to 3mm in length. • The nymph body is cylindrical with rounded ends. • Thrips feed by piercing and sucking of plant sap. • They leave silver/bronze marking on the leaves after feeding. • Under heavy infestation; the plant becomes stunted, flowers abort, leaves/apical shoot and fruits develop deformities.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Katrin: 10-15ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Spider mites
Scientific Name:Tetranychus urticae
Identification and Damage
• Red spider mites are small, reddish to pale-orange in colour. • Eggs are whitish in colour, spherical in shape and are laid on the underside of the leaves singly. • Eggs hatch into six legged nymphs, which are pink in colour. • They live on the underside of the leaves where they spin protective web. • The destructive stage feed by piercing and sucking plant sap. • Under heavy infestation, the leaves desiccate and fall off.
Twigamectin: 10ml in 20L of water
Ortus: 20ml in 20L of water
Solaris: 8ml/20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Scientific Name:Aphis gossypii
Identification and Damage
• They are small (2mm), soft bodied and six legged insect. • Aphids can be winged or wingless. • Aphids causes leaf curl. • They promote growth of sooty mould from the honeydew excrete on the leaf, stem and fruit surface.
• Mealybugs are soft bodied, 2-3mm long and covered with white wax or cottony-look on the surface of the mango leaves, fruits and stem. • They feed on plant sap and excrete honey dew that promote growth of sooty mould on the surface of the plant. • Sooty mould interferes with the rate of photosynthesis lowering the yield and quality of mango.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Katrin: 10-15ml in 20L of water
Mango gallfly
Scientific Name:Erosomyia mangiferae
Identification and Damage
• Mango gallfly is a major pest in mango farming. • Mango gallfly is 1-2mm in length with long legs and antenna. • The fly lay eggs on mango leaves which hatches and barrow into the leave tissues for nourishment. • They develop inside a small gall (pimple like swelling on the surface of the leaves). • Once mature, they drop to the ground to pupate leaving an exit puncture on the leaves. • The exit wounds act as entry points for fungal diseases. • Under heavy infestation, the leaves curl and may prematurely fall off leading to defoliation of mango tree.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Katrin: 10-15ml in 20L of water
Mango seed weevil/Mungo nut weevil/Mango stone weevil
Scientific Name:Sternochetus mangiferae
Identification and Damage
• It is a major pest in mango growing areas. • The adult weevils 8mm long are dark/brown with grey markings on its body. • They have a pronounced snout used for feeding. • The adult lay eggs on the distal end of the young fruit, eggs hatch into larvae and burrow inside through the fresh to the seed. • When eggs are laid early development stage of the mango, it leads to fruit drop. • Infestation at later stages, the entry point forms a C-shaped scar, adult emerge and leave an exit hole which act as entry for secondary fungal infection. • Pupation takes place within the seed. • Adult usually feed on leaves, shoots and flower buds.
• Mango scales are in two groups: Armoured scales; Hard to control due to the protective shell around the body and does not secrete honey dew, and Soft scales; Secrete honeydew and easy to control. • Scales are small in size, 3mm in length, always glued to the plant as they feed by sucking the plant sap. • They are round in shape and colour varies from white, orange, brown, green to black according to different species. • On a mango tree, scales can be found on fruits, leaves, branches and on the stems. • Through their feeding of plant sap by piercing and sucking, they deprive the plant essential nutrients, leading to chlorosis of the leaves, wilting and falling off. The plant eventually become stunted, with low and poor quality yields. • Under heavy infestation, they secrete honey dew that promotes sooty mould growth on the surface of the plant. This interferes with photosynthesis.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water with an adjuvant Agral -90 10ml
• Adult Mango fruit-flies small in size, 4-7mm in length. • They have blight colours with brown to yellow markings, wings have spots with brown margins. • They lay eggs on almost ripe mango fruit just below the skin. • Larvae are white in colour and feed on the fresh of the fruit leading to fruit rot. • The maggot exits the fruit after 4-17 days and fall to the ground to pupate in the soil at a depth of about 5cm. • Pupae are 4-12mm in length, the colour may vary from white, brown to black. Adult fruit-flies emerge after 10-20 days after pupation which is dependent on weather conditions.
Fruit fly trap/fruit fly lure
A detailed description of the major pests that affect potatoes
Potato | Major Pests
Scientific Name:Frankliniella occidentalis
Identification and Damage
• Whiteflies are small insect pest, 1.5mm in length. • They have v-shaped wings when closed around the body. • White powdery cloud around the plant under heavy infestation. • Whiteflies feed by piercing and sucking plant sap. • Stunted/poor growth results under heavy infestation. • The transmit/vector Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. • Whiteflies promote growth of sooty mould from the honeydew excrete.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Katrin: 10-15ml in 20L of water/li>
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Beauvitech: 250g/Ha in 500L of water
Scientific Name:Aphis gossypii
Identification and Damage
• They are small (2mm), soft bodied and six legged insect. • Aphids can be winged or wingless. • Aphids causes leaf curl. • They promote growth of sooty mould from the honeydew excrete. • Aphids vector/transmit viral diseases such as; Potato virus Y, tomato yellow top viruses, cucumber mosaic and tobacco etch virus.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Katrin: 10-15ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Lecatech: 250g/Ha in 500L of water
Nemasol: 650-900L per Ha (drenching)
Mytech: 125g in 1000L of water per Hectare
Neemazal: 30ml/20l of water (drenching)
Potato tuber moth
Scientific Name:Phthorimaea operculella
Treating the potato seed with Duduthrin 50ml/20L after seed placement on the planting rows
Colorado potato beetle
Scientific Name:Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Use Duduthrin at a rate of 50ml in 20liter of water
A detailed description of the major pests that affect rice
• The damage can be identified by the presence of ‘dead heart’ dying of the central shoot in young plants or ‘white head’ panicle dying in older plants.
Spraying Sumithion Super 16ml in 20 liters of water
Rice whorl maggots and rice leaf miners
Identification and Damage
• The damage is characterised by whitish area on the leaf blade margins. • Stunted and deformed tillers from the damage. • Leaf blade breaking off from the plant due to the damage.
Spraying Sumithion Super 16ml in 20 liters of water
A detailed description of the major pests that affect tomatoes
Tomato | Major Pests
Tomato leaf miner
Scientific Name:Tuta absoluta
Identification and Damage
• Eggs are small in size, cylindrical shaped, colour varies from yellow to cream-white. • Larva is cream in colour, black head which changes to light pink or greenish colour as from the second to fourth instars. • Larval size ranges from 0.9mm -first instar to 7.5 mm long- fourth instar. Tuta absoluta takes 13 to 15 days from the first to the fourth instar. • Pupa is brown in colour, takes 9 to 11 days to pupate. • Adult is a nocturnal moth, 10mm long with a rod-shaped appearance when wings are closed. Wings span ranges from 11mm to 13mm. • Tuta absoluta reproduces rapidly, with 10-17 generations per year. • The total life cycle is completed within 21-35 days. • Female adult can lay up to 260 eggs before completing it life cycle. • Egg hatching takes place 4-6 days after egg laying. • Most distinct damage is blotch-shaped mines on the leaves left after the larvae feeds on the mesophyll tissues, leaving the epidermis intact. • Puncture marks on the fruits with some exit holes. • Fruit rot due to secondary infection from opportunistic causal agents. • Clustered apical stem and flowers with faecal material from the larvae.
Solaris: 8ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Tutasan water trap -16 per acre
Spider mites
Scientific Name:Tetranychus urticae
Identification and Damage
• Tomato red spider mites are small, reddish to pale-orange in colour. • Eggs are whitish in colour, spherical in shape and are laid on the underside of the leaves singly. • Eggs hatch into six legged nymphs, which are pink in colour. • They live on the underside of the leaves where they spin protective web. • The destructive stage feed by piercing and sucking plant sap. • Under heavy infestation, the plant wilt and die off.
Twigamectin: 10ml in 20L of water
Ortus: 20ml in 20L of water
Solaris: 8ml/20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Scientific Name:Aphis gossypii
Identification and Damage
• They are small (2mm), soft bodied and six legged insect. • Aphids can be winged or wingless. • Aphids causes leaf curl. • They promote growth of sooty mould from the honeydew excrete. • Aphids vector/transmit viral diseases such as; Potato virus Y, tomato yellow top viruses, cucumber mosaic and tobacco etch virus.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Katrin: 10-15ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Lecatech: 250g/Ha in 500L of water
White flies
Scientific Name:Bemisia tabaci
Identification and Damage
• Whiteflies are small insect pest, 1.5mm in length. • They have v-shaped wings when closed around the body. • White powdery cloud around the plant under heavy infestation. • Whiteflies feed by piercing and sucking plant sap. • Stunted/poor growth results under heavy infestation. • The transmit/vector Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. • Whiteflies promote growth of sooty mould from the honeydew excrete.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Katrin: 10-15ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Beauvitech: 250g/Ha in 500L of water
Scientific Name:Frankliniella occidentalis
Identification and Damage
• Adult thrips are small in size, up to 3mm long, shiny black, brown, orange in colour with clear wings. • Nymphs are cream or brown in colour with dark piercing and sucking mouthparts that extend up to 3mm in length. • The body is cylindrical with rounded ends. • Thrips feed by piercing and sucking of plant sap. • They leave silver/bronze marking on the leaves after feeding. • Under heavy infestation; the plant becomes stunted, flowers abort, leaves/apical shoot and fruits develop deformities. • Transmit/vectors for Tomato spotted wilt virus.
Twiga Ace: 10ml in 20L of water
Katrin: 10-15ml in 20L of water
Neemazal: 30ml in 20L of water
Beauvitech: 250g/Ha in 500L of water
Nemasol: 650-900L per Ha (drenching)
Mytech: 125g in 1000L of water per Hectare
Neemazal: 30ml/20l of water (drenching)
A detailed description of the major pests that affect wheat
Wheat | Major Pests
Scientific Name:Diuraphis noxia
Identification and Damage
• They are small (2mm), soft bodied and six legged insect. • Aphids can be winged or wingless. • They are light green in colour, elongated in shape, with double tails at the distal end. • They cause damage on the leaves, flowers as they feed on plant sap as well as inject toxin which causes yellowing of the plant, stunted growth and reduced vigour. • It is also known to transmit Brome Mosaic Virus, Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus and Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus.